Medic Specialist Oftalmolog
Congresele Internaţionale ESCRS, Amsterdam 2013, Londra 2014, Viena 2018
Congresul Naţional al Societăţii Române de Cataractă şi Chirurgie Refractivă – 2014-2019
Congresul Naţional al Societăţii Române de Oftalmologie– 2013-2019
Congresul Naţional al Societăţii Române de Glaucom – 2013-2014, 2019
ICO 1 Certification (Basic Science şi Theoretical Optics&Refraction) – 2014
The 9th EGS European Resident Glaucoma Course (EBO certified), Geneva, 2015
Basic Phacoemulsification – EBO certified course – at the XXXII ESCRS Congress, London – 2014
Course regarding the interpretation of computerized visual fields, organized by Allergan, Bucharest, 2013
Vitreo-Retinal Surgery Course under the guidance of Prof. Dr Ingrid Kreissig Bucharest, 2013 şi 2017
Corneal Pathology Course under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Massimo Busin, Bucharest 2013
Optics, Refraction and Contact Lenses Fitting Course, Bausch and Lomb, Bucharest 2014
Experienţa profesională
2013-2018 Medic rezident Oftalmologie Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţe Oftalmologice Bucureşti
2017 Medic Rezident Oftalmologie Stagiu de pregătire „Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital”, Dublin, Irlanda
2015 Medic Rezident Oftalmologie Stagiu de pregătire CHU „Quinze Vingts” Paris, Franţa
2013-2016 Medic Rezident Oftalmologie colaborare cu SC Optische Zentrum SRL si SC Swiss Optik SRL
“Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy – Case Study” – for the Sifi Grant, at the National Congress of the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucarest, Romania – 2014
“Macular Chorioretinitis – Case Study” – for the Sifi Grant, at the National Congress of the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Sinaia, Romania – 2013
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